Friday, February 11, 2011

Marketing Campaign for Strawberry Sale

"SURE, I'll do a quick sign for the table selling chocolate dipped strawberries!  And I should probably do TWO, so one of us can walk around and advertise throughout the building.  Just something QUICK and SIMPLE.....!!!!"

How many times will I say things like this during my lifetime? 

Probably many, many, many more.

Anyway, here is the design.  I wanted to keep it simple, but there was NO WAY of keeping it quick.  Not me, no, sir.  I hope they'll be effective!

I used the Cricut Lite cartridge, Lacy Labels for the heart, the Base Camp cartridge for the font and good ol' google for a nice graphic of a strawberry that I printed in grayscale and used as a template.  I embossed the heart with the Provo Craft Dots folder to make it look like a strawberry, and used Ranger Liquid Pearls for the white chocolate drizzle. 

No chocolate was consumed during the process.  Shocking, I agree. 
The equal sign was designed and cut by moi.  Impressive; please refer all calls to my agent!

Perhaps I can sample the chocolate dipped strawberries Friday morning at 6:30 a.m. when my shift starts at Central Texas Medical Center, our local hospital.  Our church, River Stone Community Church,  is working this location for the sale, which runs through Monday.  My youngest daughter and I will work the last shift together, and my son will work as well.  The sale benefits a ministry that supports widows in their own businesses in Rwanda.  It's called True Vineyard Ministries.  You should check them out!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Super Bowl Poster

This is an A.

This is Type A.

      Got meds?!

This poster for the PTO luncheon was made possible 
by the Varsity Letter Cricut Lite cartridge,
Provo Craft's Diamond Plate embossing folder
for the Cuttlebug
 and a friend named Sandra!

Quick Valentine Treat Bags

It's a process.
Better things are ahead.

I found this to be true last night when trying to create bags to hold some baked goods for my youngest daughter's middle school PTO group. We honor small groups of staff and teachers each month with baked goods and a gift card to a local coffee shop (LOVE YOU, Mocha and Java's!), so I needed to create 16 bags to hold baked goods. Quickly. The longest step in the evolutionary process is that of procrastination. So at 10:30 last night, I was beginning the final stage; the actual PRODUCTIVE stage.

I tried creating cute bags in the style of the recent post on the Splitcoast Stampers You Tube channel, in which a bag is created using a single sheet of letter size patterned paper. I attempted this with a 12 x 12" sheet, but the results were not large enough for what I needed. So I thought I'd just make tags to tie around those tall clear cellophane bags. But that would be too EXPECTED, too NORMAL, not WOW...... So this is what I came up with.

I hope they like them! I had fun making them. To finish them off, I'll pre-tie the bows, and slip the twist ties that came with the bags through the back of the bow, so they can re-seal it, should they happen to be one of the nearly extinct species that possess the ancient characteristic of SELF-CONTROL! See, evolution is still relevant today!

My 7th grade science teacher, Mr. Thompson, would be so proud!